How to use "ad hoc" in sentences with meaning in English and Hindi

by BuildMyVocab

Example sentences for "ad hoc" in popular movie and book plots

  • A dangerous storm forces Finn, Jake, Lumpy Space Princess, and BMO to build an ad hoc storm shelter.  - Bad Jubies
  • The police detain Wong in an ad hoc command post (a local apartment) and Cheng's mission is over.  - Her Fatal Ways
  • Scully does an ad hoc necropsy and concludes that the cat bit its stomach open to try to get something out.  - Scary Monsters (The X-Files)
  • Garritty emerges from hiding amongst the bushes, objecting to the ad hoc ruse, after which Santer reveals herself as an undercover cop.  - On the Other Hand, Death
  • The story focuses on the mishaps and adventures that the ad hoc family experiences together.  - Kyōran Kazoku Nikki
  • Discovering the chance, they add more ammunition and even a gun belt serving as an ad hoc ammunition belt.  - Goofs and Saddles
  • The ad hoc band of Soviet partisans and displaced German soldiers charged with the assignment manage to hijack a shipment of plutonium.  - Worldwar: In the Balance
  • Ezri becomes an ad hoc assistant to the garrison's engineer, Kellin, in helping him decode and decipher the comm relay.  - The Siege of AR-558
  • An ad hoc alliance is formed between the Peregrine Falcon Strike Force and General Morden's army to combat the greater alien threat.  - Metal Slug 2

Meaning of "ad hoc" in English

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Meaning of "ad hoc" in Hindi

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